Leeslys vir ‘n 13jarige dogter

8 January 2023

Laas jaar was daar net 171 boeke op my 13jarige se leeslys. Wel eintlik ongeveer 220. Ongelukkig het sy ook haar leeslys verloor met die hardeskyf drama. Ons het hard probeer onthou wat alles reeds op die lys was, maar kon net nie alles onthou nie.

Die feit dat ons biblioteek al vir 3 maande gesluit is agv waterskade nie was ook ‘n vlieg in haar salf. Sy het dus nie toegang tot so baie boeke as gewoonlik nie.

Sy bly egter ‘n vreemde kind. Hierdie jaar het sy Leipoldt se Galgsalmander gelees. Ek dink nie ek het al ooit ‘n boek van Leipoldt gelees nie. Ek ken sy gedigte, maar nie sy romans nie. Ek weet nie van baie 13 jariges wat uit eie keuse deur 400 bladsye van 1932 Afrikaans sal lees nie. Volgens haar vang die storie nie regtig spoed nie, maar sy het die ou Afrikaans geniet en kort-kort kom vertel van een of ander vreemde woord. Hy praat bv nog van kollewyntjies en nie kolwyntjies nie.

Haar gunsteling boeke vir die jaar was P.J. Schoeman se Op die klein spoortjies, Wille Martin se Towerkind en Johan Jordaan se Die Swart Hings. En in Engels Brian Jacques se Loamhedge, DC Talk and the Voice of the Martyrs  se Jesus Freaks en Anthony Horowitz se Alex Rider 11: Never say Die.

In Afrikaans het sy gelees:

1. Marie: Skipper om Kaap Hoorn – Leigh Merrell
2. Beleg van Ladysmith – Jenny Seed
3. Bienkie en die boemelaar – Ettie Bierman
4. Die leeu van Okarusewa – Doc Immelman
5. Bienkie in die Bosveld – Ettie Bierman
6. Diva Veronica – Marianna Brandt
7. Bienkie en die Boeing – Ettie Bierman
8. Bienkie en die blondekop – Ettie Bierman
9. Wiplala – Annie MG Schmidt
10. Goue lint, my storie begint
11. Rotburger – David Walliams
12. Leeu, leeu, hoe laat is dit – Ettie Bierman
13. Dingo – Ettie Bierman
14. Boela van die blouwater
15. Op die klein spoortjies – P.J. Schoeman
16. Mietjie van Muisedam
17. Stalmaats: Sirkusperde – Lize Roux
18. Stalmaats: Wegholrit – Lize Roux
19. Stalmaats: Pretrit – Lize Roux
20. Oupa ontsnap – David Walliams
21. Stalmaats: Waaghals – Lize Roux
22. Avontuur in die vreemde – EB Victor
23. Silwer, Jakals van die Namib – Pieter Pieterse
24. Jacques Roux se Vuurdoop op Ceres – Kowie Rossouw
25. Towerkind – Wille Martin
26. Die Swart Hings – Johan Jordaan
27. Blinkwater se Geheim – Toek Blignaut
28. Galgsalmander – C Louis Leipoldt

En in Engels:

1. Loamhedge: They’re Not as Big as I Though They’d Be – Brian Jacques
2. Loamhedge: If Only They Were Back Here at Redwall – Brian Jacques
3. Loamhedge: We Lived One Summer Too Long – Brian Jacques
4. Waiting for Anya – Michael Morpurgo
5. Little Foxes – Michael Morpurgo
6. Not Bad for a Bad Lad – Michael Morpurgo
7. An Eagle in the Snow – Michael Morpurgo – Eerste Wereld oorlog
8. Flamingo Boy – Michael Morpurgo – Tweede Wereld oorlog
9. Shadow – Michael Morpurgo
10. The Amazing story of Adolphus Tips – Michael Morpurgo
11. Bor n to run – Michael Morpurgo
12. Silverfin – Charlie Higson
13. Saving Shiloh – Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
14. The Diary of a dog – Robert Baden-Powell
15. The Wheel of Surya – Jamila Gavin – India, 1947
16. William the fourth – Richmall Crompton
17. The Secret Garden – Francis Hodgson Burnett
18. Honey, I blew up the kids – B.B. Hiller
19. Animal Ark: Dolphin in the deep – Lucy Daniels
20. Animal Ark: Dog at the door – Lucy Daniels
21. The Babysitters club: Claudias’s Freind Friend – Ann M Martin
22. Never Mind – Avi and Rachel Vail
23. Harry the poisonous centipede goes to sea – Lynne Reid Banks
24. Fugde-a-mania – Judy Blume
25. Barry Loser hates half term – Jim Smith
26. William the outlaw – Richmall Crompton
27. William again – Richmall Crompton
28. Meet just William again – Richmall Crompton
29. Just William – Richmall Crompton
30. Dolphin Island: Shipwreck – Jenny Oldfield
31. Jenny – Paul Gallico
32. Come home Sabre – Peggy Cannam
33. Charlotte’s Web – E.B. White
34. Dog Diaries: Ginger – Kate Klimo
35. Sky the Unwanted Kitten – Holly Webb
36. The Race – Lauraine Snelling
37. Eagle’s Wings – Lauraine Snelling
38. Go for the Glory – Lauraine Snelling
39. Finn and the Big Guy – David Metzenthen
40. Kentucky Dreamer – Lauraine Snelling
41. Call for Courage – Lauraine Snelling
42. Shadow over San Mateo – Lauraine Snelling
43. Out of the Mist – Lauraine Snelling
44. Marlfox: Enter the Players – Brian Jacques
45. Marlfox: Four Chieftains going forth – Brian Jacques
46. Marlfox: The Queen’s Island – Brian Jacques
47. Lord Brocktree: The Days of Ungatt Trunn – Brian Jacques
48. Lord Brocktree: At the Court of King Bucko – Brian Jacques
49. Lord Brocktree: Comes a Badger Lord – Brian Jacques
50. High Rhulain: The Forgotten Tome – Brian Jacques
51. High Rhulain: The Fool of the Sea – Brian Jacques
52. High Rhulain: Across the Western Sea – Brian Jacques
53. The Legend of Luke : Martin – Brian Jacques
54. The Legend of Luke : Luke – Brian Jacques
55. The Legend of Luke : A Warrior’s Legacy – Brian Jacques
56. Doomwyte: The Raven– Brian Jacques
57. Doomwyte: A Prince’s Decendants – Brian Jacques
58. Doomwyte: Baliss – Brian Jacques
59. Wild Rescue: Earrthquake Escape – J. Burchett and S. Vogler
60. 11 Birthdays – Wendy Mass
61. The lost Prince – Francis Hodgson Burnett
62. Listen to the Moon – Michael Morpurgo
63. The Animals of Farthing Wood: In the Grip of Winter – Colin Dann
64. The Animals of Farthing Wood: Fox’s Feud – Colin Dann
65. The Animals of Farthing Wood: Fox Cub Bold – Colin Dann
66. Shiloh – Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
67. Out of the Dust – Karen Hesse
68. The Otters’ Tale – Gavin Maxwell
69. The Young Indiana Jones Cronicles: Race to Danger – George Lucas
70. Break for Freedom – Ewan Clarkson
71. Moon over Manifest – Clare van der Pool
72. Rats – Paul Zindel
73. Here’s to You, Rachel Robinson – Judy Blume
74. Just as long as we’re together – Judy Blume
75. It’s not the end of the world – Judy Blume
76. Second Wind – Lauraine Snelling
77. Close Call – Lauraine Snelling
78. Hope in a ballet shoe – Michaela DePrince
79. The last wolf – Michael Morpurgo
80. The wind in the willows
81. Eagle’s wings – Lauraine snelling
82. One dog and his boy
83. The pocket dog
84. Solomon’s tale
85. The Indian in my Cupboard – Lynne Reid Banks
86. The Secret of the Indian – Lynne Reid Banks
87. The Return of the Indian – Lynne Reid Banks
88. Deadfall
89. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland
90.The famous Five: Five fall into adventure – Enid Blyton
91. Animal Ark: Kittens in crisis – Holly Web
92. Animal Ark: Pony in the porch – Holly Web
93. Animal Ark: Cub in the cupboard – Holly Web
94. Who, Sir? Me, Sir? – KM Peyton
95. What not to do if you turn Invisible – Ross Welford
96. Thirteen – Tom Hoyle
97. Splash – Charli Howard
98. Lucky Foot Stable 3: A Star Discovered – JoAnn S. Dawson
99. Alex Rider 1: Stormbreaker – Anthony Horowitz
100. Alex Rider 2: Point Blanc – Anthony Horowitz
101. The Kidnap Report – Hazel Townson
102. Salamandastron: Questors and Runaways – Brian Jacques
103. Salamandastron: Warriors and Monsters – Brian Jacques
104. Salamandastron: Destinies and Homecomers – Brian Jacques
105. Alex Rider 4: Eagle Strike – Anthony Horowitz
106. War Horse – Michael Morpurgo
107. Alex Rider 5: Scorpia – Anthony Horowitz
108. Jesus Freaks – DC Talk and the Voice of the Martyrs
109. Horrible Science: Vicious Veg – Nick Arnold
110. Horrible Science: Painful Poison – Nick Arnold
111. Horrible Science: Bulging Brains – Nick Arnold
112. Horrible Science: Frightening Light – Nick Arnold
113. The Racehorse who Disappeared – Clare Balding
114. Alex Rider 6: Ark Angel – Anthony Horowitz
115. Alex Rider 7: Snakehead – Anthony Horowitz
116. The Stepsisters 2: The Sister Trap – Tina Oaks
117. Alex Rider 3: Skeleton Key – Anthony Horowitz
118. Alex Rider 8: Crocodile Tears – Anthony Horowitz
119. Sophie’s Lucky – Dick King-Smith
120. Horrible Science: The Terrible Truth about Time – Nick Arnold
121. Dewey – Vicki Myron with Bret Witter
122. Alex Rider 9: Scorpia Rising – Anthony Horowitz
123. Goodnight Mister Tom – Michelle Magorian (2de Wereld oorlog)
124. Rescuing Sprite – Mark R. Levin
125. Alex Rider 10: Russian Roulette – Anthony Horowitz
126. Horrible Histories: Woeful Second World War – Terry Deary
127. Wakara of Eagle Lodge 2: Blind Fury – Linda I. Shands
128. Number the Stars – Lois Lowry
129. Young Bond: SilverFin – Charlie Higson
130. Horrible Histories: Woeful Second World War – Terry Deary
131. Horrible Histories: The Terrible Tudors – Terry Deary & Neil Tonge
132. Horrible Histories: The Slimy Stuarts – Terry Deary
133. The Call of the Wild – Jack London
134. The Cruise of the ‘Dazzler’ – Jack London
135. Alex Rider 11: Never say Die – Anthony Horowitz
136. Lionboy – Zizou Corder
137. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time – Mark Haddon
138. Phantom Stallion 4: The Renegade – Terri Farley
139. The Maze runner – James Dasher
140. Little Manfield – Michael Morpurgo
141. Canyon Winter – Walt Morey
142. Stories for boys – Hamlyn
143. Horrible Science: Vicious Veg – Nick Arnold